General Information
Age Brackets: 2012-2005, boys & girls. Age brackets may be combined if necessary to have enough teams in a bracket.
Equipment: Players must wear shin guards and flat-soled indoor soccer shoes. Total Futsal League will provide one futsal ball per game. The ball must be returned to the league after the game.
Jersey: If team jerseys conflict, the home team must change jerseys.
Number of Games: Each team will play six games. All games will be played on either a Saturday or Sunday.
Coaching: Only a registered coach or team manager may coach a game.
Number of Players: A minimum of six players on a team is required (8-9 players on a team is recommended). Games can start with four players.
Forfeits: $40 fee per team forfeit. The fee must be paid before any other games are played. If fewer than four players have shown up five minutes after game start time, the other team will be awarded the win 1-0.
Cancellation: If team notifies the league that it can not make a scheduled game, a $40 fee will be required to reschedule the game. We will try our best to reschedule a game, but it is not guaranteed.
Rescheduling: Teams are only allowed to reschedule one game. Please include the date on registration. An additional fee may be required for a rescheduled game due to referee and gym cost.
Point System: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss.
Tiebreakers: Total Points, Head-To-Head, Head-To-Head Goal Differential, Overall Goal Differential.
Player Cards: Total Futsal League will provide every player a player card. A child may not play without a card.
Ejections, Player & Coach: The referee may issue a yellow card to a player or coach for misconduct as a warning. If the referee issues a red card to a player or coach, he must sit out the remainder of the game in which the card was issued and the team must continue the game a player short. In addition, he must sit out the next game in its entirety. The red card will be reviewed by the league director to see if further discipline should be taken, such as suspension for additional games or team suspension for the remainder of the season, depending on the severity of the foul or incident.