Welcome to Rebels National Challenge 2022

November 25 - 26
Galway Downs, Temecula CA
Entry Fees:
7v7 $795
9v9 $925
11v11 $1050
Do you have what it takes?
Rules of Play
Galway Downs Complex– Grass
38801 Los Corralitos Rd, Temecula, CA 92592
- DO NOT PARK ON STREETS – No parking on Los Caballos, Los Corralitos or Pauba Road. Violators will be ticketed and/or towed. We want to be good neighbors and its critical we keep the roads surrounding Galway Downs clear of vehicles.
- NO PETs – no exception. No fake “service dogs” either. Did you know it is a misdemeanor in the State of California to pass off a pet as a service animal (see, California Penal Code 365.7). State and Federal law do not recognize “emotional support” dogs either.
Important Contact Information: All matters related to the tournament should be directed to the Tournament Director at angel.e.rodriguez10@gmail.com. It is the responsibility of the coaches and managers to ensure appropriate phone numbers and email addresses are entered into the team’s roster/application. Coaches and managers need to review and make sure they are familiar with the rules, pre-match check-in procedures, and credentials.
Protests: No protests will be allowed during this tournament. The decision of the referee, field marshal, and the tournament director shall be final. All games will be considered final.
Player Credentials: Player picture identification cards are to be present and available at all matches. Identification cards will be verified at team check-in. Player cards will be held by the referees until the game is completed. Cards for players who receive red cards or suffer a head injury will be retained by the referee and given to the tournament director until a player suspension ends or a player is cleared by medical personnel. Any appeal of a player’s eligibility must be made before a match begins to a Field Marshal or other tournament official.
Rosters: Teams may register a maximum of 22 players for 11 v 11 (only 18 players can dress); and 18 players for 9 v 9 and 14 players 7 v 7. Teams are allowed an unlimited number of loan players.
Player’s Equipment: It will be within the game Referee’s discretion to determine the safety and suitability of player equipment including the wearing of a hard brace.
Conduct: All coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, bench, friends, and spectators at all times. Coaching from the sidelines (giving direction to one’s own team) is permitted provided:
- No mechanical devices are used.
- The tone of voice is instructive and not derogatory.
- Each coach or substitute remains within 10 yards of either side of the halfway line.
- No coach, substitute, or spectator makes derogatory remarks or gestures to the referees, other coaches, players, substitutes, or spectators.
- No coach, substitute, or spectator uses profanity or incites, in any manner, disruptive behavior.
Cautions & Ejections: A player or coach receiving two (2) yellow cards in a single game is considered to have received an ejection (red card). Ejected players may not be replaced in the current game and shall serve a minimum of one-game suspension at their next game played. Any coach, player, team official, or spectator receiving an ejection (sent off) will not be allowed to be within sight or hearing distance of the field of play during his/her suspension and will not be allowed to coach the following game (will serve a one-game suspension). Any parent red-carded or sent off will be suspended for the remainder of the tournament. For flagrant violations, a longer suspension may be enforced based on mandatory review of the tournament director.
The player ID cards will be pulled for all red cards issued for violent conduct or referee abuse and submitted to Cal South (tournament sanctioning organization).
Suspended Games: If, in the opinion of game officials, a game must be terminated due to misconduct of players, bench, or spectators, the offending team could be suspended from further play and forfeit all points and position previously earned. Additionally, the home league and state association will be contacted accordingly.
Substitutions: Unlimited substitutions are allowed in all age groups. Teams may substitute at any game stoppage of play with the referee’s permission. Substitutes must wait on the sideline (off of the field of play) until the field player has left the field of play and/or the referee has indicated the substitute may enter the field of play. Substitutions will be made at the centerline.
Injury: Delays of the game due to injury will result in appropriate time being added to the full game time, based on the judgment of the referee. However, all preliminary games will be terminated not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game.
Sideline Assignments: Both teams will sit on the same side of the field in the Technical Area. Only players and team personnel whose names appear on the filed team roster may be in the technical area. Spectators must sit on the sideline opposite their team bench without crossing the midfield line during the entire match. Spectators must remain at a minimum of 3 yards away from the sideline. No spectator affiliated with a team may sit on either end line.
Home Team: The home team appears first on the game schedule. The game ball is subject to referee approval. The home team will be required to switch to an alternate jersey if the referee declares color conflict. The home team will have the selection of the touchline from which they play. In event of restricted space on one or both touchlines, teams may play from the same touchline subject to the discretion of the field marshal. If teams are on the same side of the field the halfway line shall separate the teams.
Forfeits & Byes: All teams who forfeit will have the game(s) scored as a 0-3 loss. The winner will be awarded ten (10) points. If, at the discretion of the Tournament Director, a forfeit provides an unfair advantage, the Tournament Director may make an adjustment in the bracket. Teams forfeiting their first game will be assumed to forfeit all of their games unless they contact the Tournament Director at least 3 hours prior to their subsequent games. Teams will forfeit for any of the following reasons:
- Teams fail to check in at the required location, ready to play five minutes before the scheduled kick off time
- Home team fails to produce an alternate color jersey if referee determines there is a color conflict
- Teams fail to produce laminated player passes and/or coach’s pass
- Teams fail to report to the field with the minimum number of players required to start the game
- (6 for 2014-2009; 7 for 2008-2003)
- Coach is ejected and fails to leave the field when directed to do so
- Coach is ejected and there is no other coach or administrator available
- Game is suspended due to the misconduct of players, coaches, administrators, parents or spectators
There will be no refunds to teams who forfeit their own games.
Brackets: Bracketing of teams within an age group is at the sole discretion of the Tournament Director and may not be appealed unless a team is placed in the wrong gender.
Acts of God: Rain or other weather conditions during the tournament shall not delay play unless the referee determines the field to be unsafe for play or the facility personnel decide to close the fields. In the event of such a delay or postponement, games will be rescheduled if at all possible. It is the responsibility of the coaches to be available for any contingencies and to monitor the tournament website for updates. Field Marshals at the location will be informed of any changes and will provide instructions to all teams. Coaches are asked to be patient and remain flexible if this unfortunate situation arises.
In case of cancellation due to inclement weather or any other reason, the “Tournament Committee” retains the right to retain the full amount of the team fee to cover expenses. Therefore, there will be no make-up games due to inclement weather or refunds.
**All coaches/managers are to check their emails and schedules frequently.
No refunds for accepted teams.
Playing Times: Play will be based on halves as specified below:
Age Group | Preliminary & Quarter Final Games |
Semifinals | Finals | Ball Size |
2016 | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 4 |
2015 | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 4 |
2014 | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 4 |
2013 | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 25 minutes | 4 |
2012 | 30 minutes | 30 minutes | 30 minutes | 4 |
2011 | 30 minutes | 30 minutes | 30 minutes | 4 |
2010 | 30 minutes | 30 minutes | 30 minutes | 5 |
2009 | 30 minutes | 35 minutes | 35 minutes | 5 |
2008 | 30 minutes | 35 minutes | 35 minutes | 5 |
2007 | 30 minutes | 35 minutes | 35 minutes | 5 |
2006 | 30 minutes | 35 minutes | 35 minutes | 5 |
2005 | 30 minutes | 35 minutes | 35 minutes | 5 |
2004 | 30 minutes | 35 minutes | 35 minutes | 5 |
All teams will be scheduled for a minimum of 3 games.
All preliminary games will be terminated not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game regardless of the amount of time played in each half up to that point.
A game is complete upon completion of one half of play regardless of the circumstances of termination during the second half with final results based on the score at termination.
A preliminary game can end in a tie.
Final games that end in a tie will be decided by FIFA penalty kicks from the mark. They will not have overtime periods added.
Half-time: Half-time will be exactly five (5) minutes, unless games are behind schedule which will be determined by the tournament director. Please help officials with this request.
Tournament Point System:
- 6 Points for each Win,
- 3 Points for each Tie,
- 0 Points for each Loss,
- 1 Point for each Goal Scored (Maximum of 3),
- 1 Point for Shut-out, excluding 0-0 ties.
Tie Breakers: In the event of a tie, bracket winners will be determined as follows:
- The winner of head to head competition,
- Most goals scored (max 3 per game),
- Fewest goals against,
- Most wins,
- Most shutout wins,
- Most shutouts.
If a tie still exists after steps 1 through 6, FIFA penalty kicks will be taken from the Penalty Mark at a location determined by Director.
Younger (all 7v7) Playing Rules:
- There will be a build-out line
- Once the opposing team is behind the build-out line, the GK can pass, throw or roll ball into play.
- Punts and drop kicks are not allowed
- Offside will be called within the goal line and build-out line
- Direct/indirect kicks will be taken as usual (goals can be scored only from direct kick)
- Headers are not allowed
9V9 Bracket:
- Heading for 2011 AGE GROUP IS ALLOWED
- Punting or drop-kicking the ball by the GK WILL BE ALLOWED in the 2012-2011 age group.
Substitutions: Free substitution will be allowed in all age groups. However, teams may substitute only with referee’s permission under FIFA laws.
Coaching: All Coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, substitutes, friends, and spectators at all times. Coaching from the sidelines (giving direction to one’s own team on points of strategy and position) is permitted, provided:
- No mechanical devices are used.
- The tone of the voice is instructive and not derogatory.
- Each coach or substitute remains within 10 yards on either side of the halfway line.
- No coach, substitute, or spectator makes derogatory remarks or gestures to referees, other coaches, players, substitutes, or spectators.
- No coach, substitute, or spectator uses profanity or incites, in any manner, disruptive behavior.
Cautions and Ejections: A player or coach receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game is considered to have been given an Ejection (red card) for the purposes of awarding points for the Tournament competition. A player who has been ejected (sent off), will not be replaced. A player or coach who has been ejected will not return for that game and will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game. A player or coach who is ejected for violent conduct or serious foul play will not be allowed to participate in the next TWO scheduled games. Any player or coach who assaults a referee will be expelled from the Tournament. For the purpose of this Tournament, a coach can be carded. A team will be disqualified from the Tournament if any player or coach fails to comply with the provisions of this section.
Suspended and Terminated Games: If in the opinion of tournament officials a game must be suspended (for reason); the game may be resumed, but is subject to being ended not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game. If in the opinion of tournament officials, a game must be terminated for misconduct of players, bench coaches, or spectators, the offending team could be suspended from further play and forfeits that game and all remaining games. All previous points earned remain as played. Additionally, the home league and State Association will be contacted as appropriate.
If a game is terminated due to problems associated with the fields, including lighting for a night game, or due to the serious injury of a player (see the next section entitled “INJURY”) the resumption of play for that game will be at the discretion of the tournament officials. Tournament officials may at their option conclude the game, require completion of the game or utilize penalty kicks to determine the winner of the game depending upon the circumstance and taking into account the potential effect of the game results on the standings of the teams.
Injury: Delays of the game will only be allowed for an injury requiring professional medical attention and the inability to remove the injured player from the field until and while the medical attention is being provided to the player. The delay will result in no time being added to the full game time during Preliminary games, Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, and Finals will have added time due to severe injuries based on the judgment of the referee. Otherwise, each game will be played with a running clock and no suspension of the clock time. All preliminary games will be terminated not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next game. The failure to complete any game due to a serious injury requiring suspension of the gameplay shall be controlled by the preceding section; “SUSPENDED AND TERMINATED GAMES.
Home Team: The Home Team will be the team that appears first on the game schedule. The Home Team will supply the game ball, unless supplied by the Tournament. The game ball will be subject to Referee approval. The Home Team will be required to switch to alternate jerseys to accommodate a color conflict as declared by the referee. If the Home Team cannot supply alternate jerseys, the Home Team will forfeit the game. The Home Team will have the selection of the side of the field they wish to defend and the visiting team will start with the kick-off. All teams will play from the same side of the field, with the Home Team selecting the side from which they will play. Parents are to mirror the location of their Teams on the opposite Sideline.
The tournament director reserves the right to adjust the brackets, schedules, or crossovers at any stage of the competition without consultation or the agreement of affected teams. This decision will be final, and no appeals will be heard. The tournament director also reserves the right to replace, remove, or change any team, Bracket, or level as seen fit, and this decision will be final, and no appeals will be heard.
If a team is forced to withdraw or cannot play a game or games due to positive COVID tests or COVID exposures, the team will forfeit the game with a scoreline of 3-0. The tournament director may replace the team with a guest team depending on the time available and availability of a guest team. This game would be a scrimmage, and the result would still stand as a 3-0 win.
The tournament will do its best to ensure each team gets a minimum of three games. Still, due to the unforeseeable or unpredictable nature of COVID 19, we cannot guarantee that there won’t be cancelations or withdrawals at the last minute or over the weekend itself. The tournament director reserves the right to treat all COVID situations on a case-by-case basis and will make every effort to ensure all games are played, and all teams get their minimum number of games.
BALLS, CANOPIES, BENCHES, HYDRATION: The tournament will provide hydration centers, balls, canopies, and benches for all games.
Tournament Play
Flight of 6 Teams: Cross-Play groups will be treated as one group in the points table and playoff generation.
For Example: If we have Group C which cross-plays Group D (3 teams each), the teams moving on playoff will be C/D1 (the team with the most points amongst both Group C and Group D), or C/D1 and C/D2 (the top two teams with the most points amongst both Group C and Group D.
Cross-Play groups will be treated as one group in points table and playoff generation.
For Example: If we have Group C which cross-plays Group D (3 teams each), the teams moving on playoff will be C/D1 (the team with the most points amongst both Group C and Group D), or C/D1 and C/D2 (the top two teams with the most points amongst both Group C and Group D.
FIVE TEAM DIVISION: will consist of One (1) Bracket of five (5) teams. Each team will play three (3) games in preliminary play based on the schedule prepared by the Tournament Director. The top two teams with the most points will represent Wildcard #1 / Bracket A#1 and Wildcard #2 / Bracket A#2 and will play in the Final regardless of whether they have previously played. Rebels National Challenge reserves the right to change the format per unique situation at discretion of the tournament.
EIGHT TEAM DIVISION: will consist of two (2) Brackets of our (4) teams. Each team will play the others within its Bracket for a total of three (3) preliminary games. The winner of Bracket A will play the first-place team of Bracket B in the Championship. Rebels National Challenge reserves the right to add semi-finals at the discretion of the tournament.
TWELVE TEAM DIVISION: will consist of three (3) Brackets of four (4) teams. Each team will play the others within its Bracket for a total of three (3) preliminary games. The winner of Bracket A will play the Wildcard Team in Semi-Final Game 1, and the winners of Brackets B and C will play in a Semi-Final Game 2. The Wildcard Team will be the second-place team with the most points or tiebreakers. If the Wildcard Team comes from Bracket A, then the Winner of A will play Winner B, and the Winner of C will play the Wildcard. The Semi-Final winners will meet for the Championship. Rebels National Challenge reserves the right to add Quarter-Finals at the discretion of the tournament.
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